Category: Leadership

Leadership Mesurement Quality

Magdi Yacoub – A story of relentless pursuit of excellence

Armed with his newfound knowledge, Dr. Yacoub returned to Egypt and began implementing his innovative approach to cardiac surgery. He sought to address the specific needs of his patients and pioneered several groundbreaking procedures. One of his notable achievements was the development of a technique called the ” Yacoub Procedure” for treating patients with complex congenital heart defects. This technique involved the reconstruction of the pulmonary arteries, allowing patients to lead healthier lives and avoid multiple surgeries.

Dr. Yacoub’s expertise and dedication earned………….

Leadership Mesurement Quality

التعريف الصحيح للمريض

س: ماذا تعنى بالتعريف الصحيح للمريض

ج: ان نتاكد ان هذا المريض هو المريض الصحيح الذي يقصد به عمليات الرعاية الصحية ( إعطاء الأدوية، نقل الدم ، وإجراء الاختبارات، سحب العينات ،التدخل الجراحى وإجراءات العلاج وما الى ذلك )

س: كيف ومتى يتم التعريف الصحيح للمريض ؟

ج: يتم باستخدام وسيلتي تعريف المريض على الأقل ( بالاسم و رقم الملف الطبى أو تاريخ الميلاد) لتعريف المريض على ألا تشمل رقم غرفة المريض للتحقق من هويته داخل المستشفى قبل البدء بتقديم الرعاية الصحية له .

س: ما هى طريقة التعريف الصحيح للمريض ؟

ج: يتم اولا مطابقة البيانات الموجودة بالملف الطبى للمريض مع المريض و أسورة المعصم التى يرتديها ، ثانيا

Accreditation Leadership Mesurement Quality

ACHSI Accreditation – A Comprehensive Evaluation

ACHSI accreditation offers several distinct advantages when compared to other international accreditation bodies. Its comprehensive standards, customized approach, focus on continuous improvement, regional relevance, collaboration opportunities, and international recognition make it a preferred choice for healthcare organizations seeking accreditation. By undergoing the ACHSI accreditation process, healthcare providers can……

Leadership Mesurement Motivation Quality

Dr. Donald Berwick: A Quality Guru Transforming Healthcare

Meeting Dr. Donald Berwick, the renowned quality guru, was a transformative experience for me as a healthcare quality consultant. His expertise, dedication, and personable nature have made him an exceptional role model. Dr. Berwick’s focus on patient-centered care, systems thinking, leadership, collaboration, and continuous learning has shaped my approach to improving healthcare quality. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met and learned from him, and I will carry his teachings with me throughout my professional journey.

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