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Door to Triage Time in ED

Door-to-Triage Time in the emergency department (ED) involves tracking the time it takes for a patient to be assessed by a triage nurse after arriving at the ED

Here’s a general approach to measuring Door-to-Triage Time:

  1. Define the Start Point: Determine the specific event or action that marks the beginning of the Door-to-Triage Time. It is commonly defined as the moment the patient enters the ED, either through the physical door or by registration/check-in.

  2. Capture Arrival Time: Ensure accurate and consistent recording of the patient’s arrival time. This can be done through various methods, such as electronic check-in systems, registration logs, or timestamps entered by staff members.

  3. Document Triage Completion Time: Record the time when the triage nurse completes the initial assessment. This is typically done through electronic systems that capture timestamps or manual documentation in the patient’s record.

  4. Calculate the Time Difference: Calculate the duration between the recorded arrival time and the triage completion time. This provides the Door-to-Triage Time for each patient.

  5. Aggregate and Analyze Data: Collect the Door-to-Triage Time data for a defined period, such as a day, week, or month. Calculate average, median, and distribution statistics to understand the overall performance and identify any trends or outliers.

  6. Set Benchmark or Target: Establish a benchmark or target for Door-to-Triage Time based on industry standards, best practices, or internal goals. This provides a reference point for evaluating performance and identifying areas for improvement.

  7. Monitor and Continuously Improve: Regularly monitor and review the Door-to-Triage Time metrics. Identify factors that contribute to delays or variations and implement process improvements accordingly. This may involve optimizing triage workflows, staffing adjustments, or utilizing technology solutions to streamline the process.


Remember that specific healthcare organizations may have variations in their approach to measuring Door-to-Triage Time based on their unique workflows and systems. It is essential to align the measurement process with the local context and ensure consistency in data collection and analysis to gain meaningful insights and drive improvements in ED efficiency.

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Dr. Khalid Abulmajd

Healthcare Quality Consultant

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