Measure To Manage, Control and Improve

The verb “Measure” refers to the procedure of applying a reference scale to a variable or set of variables. A Performance Indicator is a well-defined measurement that is used to monitor, analyze and optimize all relevant healthcare processes. Healthcare management requires a clearly formulated measures that can guide management and staff in prioritizing their improvement efforts and help leaders in decision making.

My Work Examples: Dashboards & Analysis

ED Performance Analysis

Incident Reporting Analysis

RAD Performance Analysis

COVID 19 Dashboard

MERS Co-V Dashboard

During my journey, I have worked with many healthcare organizations of all types. They have a common need,  they all have important data to present, and they recognize that they could be doing it much better.

I believe that quality simply means measurement and improvement. We cannot manage, control or improve what we cannot measure. I have an excellent knowledge of data aggregation, analysis, designing online interactive dashboards with multiple accesses. The dashboards include all variables that affect the measured process or outcome,  to help in making timely accurate decisions and identify improvement priorities

Performance measurement and the use of performance indicators is an essential component of any healthcare system, measures are used to monitor, evaluate, and improve healthcare service performance, also to define success and signal progress toward goals and objectives as well as opportunities for improvement.

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